I’ve been cycling for 15 years. I cannot imagine life without the opportunity to go out in the sunshine and fresh air and wear myself out. Mostly I do short 20km rides to the next bar in the hills. Occasionally I go over 100km just to prove I can still do it. I’ve been running the Bike Palestine adventure for 14 years with my partners, the Siraj center in Bethlehem. This year I’m going to start a low cost tour of my locality in Tuscany which, although not as complete and sophisticated as the Bike Palestine tour, will nevertheless give riders a chance to experience the beautiful countryside of my region.

For a complete and total description of the Bike Palestine tour click on the link below. You can always email me if you need more information or have any questions. On the Bike Palestine site you’ll find all the information you need to join us. The next tour starts 11th October 2023.

My intention is to run a cheap and simple 5 day tour for just £500. I believe that with this fee I can cover bike hire and a support vehicle. I can accommodate between 3 and 6 riders depending on whether they are on their own or with a partner. More details in the link below.